Monday, November 10, 2008

The Health Benefits of Performing Good Deeds

Many of us often try to do random acts of kindness or to regularly serve others. But did you know that doing good deeds also produces positive health benefits as well?

Whether out of a sense of brotherly love, a respect for a higher power, or a code of living the next result is positive emotional changes in ourselves and others. The benefits of performing good deeds often results in the establishment of friendship, love and positive bonds. Allan Luks in The Healing Power of Doing Good documents several studies where these emotions have been shown to strengthen the immune system which helps to stave off disease.

So diet, exercise, clean living, and even doing good deeds can all help you live healthier!

To Your Good Health,
Dr Jonathan Woodward
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
5353 Alpha Rd Ste 110A, Dallas, TX 75240

Friday, November 7, 2008

Exercise to Decrease Your Pain!

When making your plans for what you're going to do make sure you include time for some fun physical activity.

Why? Research by Stanford university suggest vigorous exercise may help prevent joint and muscle pain. They found people over 50 who exercised regularly had pain-rating scores 25% lower than their sedentary peer. The Bonus?--They had a lower incidence of arthritis too! (Source: Arthritis Research and Therapy, 2005)

So move it or loose it and have a fun, energetic weekend!

Dr Jonathan Woodward
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
5353 Alpha Rd Ste 110A, Dallas, TX 75240

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fruits and Veggies Can Save you Money!

Did you know fruits and veggies can save you money?! In a 25-year study of 1,070 men, ages 40-55 years old and free of heart disease, researchers measured healthcare costs. When divided into groups based on fruit and vegitable intake those that consumed less than 14 cups per MONTH spent $14,700 per year in medical costs. Those that consumed 12-42 cups per month spent almost 15% less ($12,600 annually). But those that ate 42 cups (3 or more 1/2 cup servings per day) had the most significat savings! These men saved about 23% on their annual medical costs ($11,400). (Source: American Heart Association)

Eat fresh, eat variety, and eat often!

Dr Jonathan Woodward
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
5353 Alpha Rd Ste 110A, Dallas, TX 75240

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chiropractic Adjustments When I Don't Hurt?

Today I was asked why I adjust joints in regions of the body that weren't in pain at the moment. Another words if a patient has a low back problem, why do I adjusting their feet and hips?

The reason for this is to correct for faulty mechanics and imbalances that contribute or prolong the healing of the back. Often I will find fallen arches which cause knee pressure and a twisting of the pelvis. Without this correction, every time the patient gets back on their feet, the back pain will gradual return.

Another reason why chiropractors will adjust other areas outside your complaint is to maintain proper motion by decreasing muscular tightness. This also reduces overall soreness because tight muscle slow circulation which traps metabolic waste products such as lactic acid.

So the next time you visit your chiropractor you'll understand why we adjust feet for back pain and ribs for shoulder pain.

Dr Jonathan Woodward
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
5353 Alpha Rd Ste 110A, Dallas, TX 75240

Monday, November 3, 2008

If You Think You Have It Tough Now...

As I talk with patients and friends about changes in politics and economy I am reminded how our attitudes are so important to our body's ability to heal. Think you have it tough now? Consider the following comparing life today with just 100 years ago:

  • Life expectancy in the United States was only 47 years
  • There were only 8, 000 cars and 122 miles of paved roads
  • There was no air conditioning or central heat
  • The average US worker made $200-400 in an entire year
  • Only 6% of US citizens graduated from high school.
(Taken from the National Center for Health Stat, 2007)

Dr Jonathan Woodward
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
5353 Alpha Rd Ste 110A
Dallas, TX 75240